Side Events and Strategic Partnerships

09 - 12 September 2019   |   ADNEC
Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of The United Arab Emirates
Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of The United Arab Emirates

Side Events and Strategic Partnerships

The 24th World Energy Congress is a global platform, boasting a wide range of public and private side events.

Youth Energy Zone

Start UP Energy Transition - 100

Feature on the exhibition area 

Start Up Energy Transition (SET) is a leading international platform supporting innovation in energy transition, comprised of the annual SET Award and SET Tech Festival. Powered by the German energy agency (dena) in cooperation with the World Energy Council, the initiative connects start-ups, international venture capitalists, investors and partners in the public sector. SET presents top 100 international startups at the 24th World Energy Congress. Over 400 start-ups from around the globe competed to showcase their solutions to the challenges of climate change and the global energy transition at the SET Awards in Berlin earlier this year.

Innovation Hub:
Sponsored by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, SET 100 was located in an innovation hub dedicated to showing their products and services, and the business models behind them.

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Youth energy zone

Feature on the exhibition area 

Under the theme ‘Harnessing Youth’s Energy’, the youth energy zone brings together global and local young professionals, to engage in a series of high-level interactive sessions and workshops designed to stimulate discussion and create a meaningful dialogue focusing on all sources of energy, skill development, and leadership.

The 24th edition of the World Energy Congress leaves behind a legacy of a dedicated youth zone sponsored by ENEC. Aimed at bringing together some of the brightest young minds from across the globe to network with leading energy industry figures, highlights of the multi-faceted program include: Ignite Talks, a series of inspiring discussions with ministers and industry leaders from around the world, the launch of the UAE’s National Future Energy Leaders program, interactive sessions with global Future Energy Leaders, and Energy Toastmaster.

View the Youth Energy Zone schedule here


International energy forum's 8th Asian ministerial energy ROUNDTABLE

10 September, 8:30 - 14:30, Al Maa’red Hall I By invitation only

Under the theme “Energy Security in the Age of Change: Empowering Responsible Growth in Asia and the World” the AMER8 was held alongside the 24th World Energy Congress, building on the global energy dialogue and outcomes of the AMER7, the Katowice Climate Change Conference, the latest G20 Energy Ministers Meeting. The Ministerial gives a new impetus to the energy dialogue, calling for mutually supportive relationships between producers and consumers, optimal use of International Energy Forum’s:
8th Asian Ministerial Energy Roundtable, the neutral IEF platform to build a global consensus on reliable and realistic energy transformations, rational responses to the global energy challenges we face together and renewed collective action to achieve shared UN goals to combat climate change.

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How do you tackle decades of growing energy intensity when you are a global leader in the oil market? A massive effort involving 40+ Kingdom entities across the public and private sector was launched to address this challenge. Several programs were launched to diversify the supply mix and make demand more efficient. The sessions takes you through this transition, giving you a vision of Saudi Arabia’s future domestic energy landscape and opportunities for private sector participation.

Workshop #1: Sep 09, 16:15 – 18:15, Location: Capital Suite 7

Workshop #2: Sep 10,   10:00 – 12:00, Location: KSA Pavilion

Workshop #3: Sep 10,   14:15 – 16:15, Location: KSA Pavilion

Workshop #4: Sep 11,   10:00 – 12:00, Location: KSA Pavilion

Workshop #5: Sep 11,   14:15 – 16:15, Location: KSA Pavilion

Workshop #6: Sep 12,   10:00 – 12:00, Location: KSA Pavilion

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Leadership excellence for women (LEWAS)

Feature on the exhibition area

The LEWAS Symposium was created when a group of women decided there needed to be a forum in the GCC that provided a place to celebrate women’s achievements, learn from well-respected women, have an opportunity to network, and improve upon knowledge.

Over the years, LEWAS has managed to gather an unprecedented amount of talented, empowered and motivated women leaders to engage in discussions and panels to address the issue.

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land art generator initiative 

Feature on the exhibition area 

LAGI 2019 presents a new kind of challenge from the Land Art Generator Initiative. The 24th World Energy Congress hosted the exhibition of 25 shortlisted projects designed for Masdar City.

LAGI 2019—Return to the Source—invited architects, designers, engineers, and urban planners to present their vision for what public art looks like within the public spaces of Masdar City—the global capital of sustainability.

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Global Energy Association


10 September 2019, 11:00 - 12:00, Capital Suite 5 I Free to attend 

Energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity the world is facing today. Quest for affordable, reliable and modern energy is universal. Ensuring such energy for all is the key task in the era of global transition to the new technological cycle and is inseparably connected with the improving of quality of life for everyone on the planet. Therefore, what are those factors enabling our sustainable future? Who if not Science is to make this future a reality?

During the session high-level panelists outlined key energy solutions working towards achieving sustainable reality, considered best Global Energy Prize laureates`innovations focusing on increased energy efficiency, use of renewable energy and clean technologies for traditional energy processing, and presented examples of global energy cooperation creating inclusive communities and resilience to environmental issues like climate change.

The Global Energy Prize is an international award for outstanding scientific research and technological development in energy. Since 2003, the Global Energy Prize has been awarded to 39 Laureates from 13 countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Japan, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, the UK and the US. In the prestige rating of the International Congress of Distinguished Awards (ICDA) the Global Energy Prize is in the category of “Mega Prizes” for its laudable goals, exemplary practices and the overall prize fund. 

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Ministry of Mongolia

boston consulting group round table on winning the '20S

12 September 2019, 9:00 - 11:00, Capital Suite 21 I By invitation only

Powerful forces are transforming the energy industry—from disruptive technologies, electrification, and climate-change pressure to stiffening competition, geopolitical tensions, and market volatility. To win the ’20s, players in the energy sector will need to do far more than just remain agile and adapt to a shifting competitive landscape. They’ll have to actively shape that landscape. Progressive CEOs will seize the opportunities on offer while surmounting the challenges through their own organizations and elaborate new eco systems of partners. The most forward-thinking will make savvy use of leading-edge technologies. As a result, they’ll pull ahead of their toughest rivals in the next decade. Given the tremendous value at stake, will today’s winners still be on top in tomorrow’s energy market?

“Winning the ‘20s in Energy” Round Table brings together senior leaders from across the Middle East to discuss how energy companies can deploy next-generation technologies to not just survive the coming decade—but to also thrive in an environment reshaped by profound change.

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Mongolian Ministry of Energy

12 September 2019, 9:00 - 11:00, Capital Suite 18| Open to all WEC participants

The Northeast Asia (NEA) region accounts for quarter of the global GDP and population. Rapid urbanization and strong economic growth continue to increase energy consumption that accounts for 35% of the global CO2 emissions. Four of the top seven global energy users are in Northeast Asia. Given the rapidly rising power demand, interconnectivity between NEA countries, has the potential to increase the share of clean energy use in the region. Interconnection can help to realize this goal by addressing geographic and temporal mismatches in energy demand and supply that currently limit the use of renewables. This would help to meet rising energy demands while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution.

The People’s Republic of China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mongolia and Russia are currently exploring the potential to create a regional electricity market by interconnecting power grids using modern HVDC technology and utilizing clean energy generated in Mongolia.

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Global Blockchain Business Council

Global Blockchain Business Council: Building a New Paradigm – Blockchain in the Energy Sector

9 September 2019, 14:00 – 16:00, Capital Suite 5| Free to attend for all congress delegates

The energy industry is evolving into the digital age with a focus on decarbonization, distributed energy resources, and consumer empowerment. Advancements in technology and emissions reductions goals have led to an increase in both renewable energy sources (RES) and distributed energy resources (DER). However, our ability to achieve this new vision and operate evolving energy systems will require improved communication, near-frictionless data exchanges, and new incentives for consumer participation. Blockchain technology is already playing an important role in addressing these challenges. Both incumbents and new market entrants are creating blockchain-based solutions for the energy sector to enable peer-to-peer energy trading, increase transparency, automate processes and transactions, and generate opportunities for cost saving.

The Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC), the leading global industry association for the blockchain technology ecosystem, hosted a roundtable to discuss real-world blockchain use cases in the energy industry, and explore how blockchain technology could provide novel solutions to the frictions and challenges besetting the energy industry.

Pathways to increasing the rate of Energy Efficiency

SEforALL side event:Pathways to increasing the rate of Energy Efficiency

11 September 2019, 09:00 - 12:00, Capital Suite 5 | Open to all WEC participants

Energy Efficiency remains the cheapest, easiest step to help reach Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) on clean and affordable energy for all while simultaneously decarbonizing the global economy, cleaning the air we breathe, and expanding energy access. However, on the eve of the final decade to achieve the SDGs, we are still missing the mark on investment needed for energy efficiency. In addition, the pace of progress of improving energy intensity is declining. We need to look towards initiatives that create and reinforce successful energy efficient measures.
SEforALL’ s session focuses on the policy reforms and financial innovations that will be needed to achieve the increasingly ambitious target of annually increasing the global rate of improvement in Energy Efficiency by 2030 to meet SDG7 targets. Governments and businesses need to embrace an Energy Efficiency First approach as a way to realize cost-effective emissions reductions and deliver environmental and social benefits. The session highlights the nexus between SDG7 and other SDGs, how innovative energy efficient finance solutions can target the poorest and provide successful examples of how to create and enforce energy efficient policy with a focus toward achieving the SDGs.

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Ministry of Energy and Industry of UAE and German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy -  Interconnected Grids and Power Trade

Ministry of Energy and Industry of UAE and German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy - Interconnected Grids and Power Trade

10 September 2019, 15:00 - 17:00, Capital Suite 7 | Free to attend

 Development of locally, regionally and globally interconnected power grids holds tremendous promise for economically efficient and environmentally responsible power systems, a common priority for governments across the planet. Interconnected grids utilize geographically distant, but highest potential renewable energy resources in the cheapest manner through economies of scale; smooth out load patterns and renewable power generation; reduce curtailment of renewable power; maximize utilization of existing generation assets; provide better supply security and reliability; and overall improve access to and affordability of power. Additionally, energy commerce via interconnected grids promotes peace, regional economic growth, job creation and local industry. UAE is committed to enhancing grid interconnections and power trade, not only locally but also regionally, via the GCCIA network and beyond. The workshop has been organized in collaboration with the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy providing an opportunity to learn from the German experiences as well as highlight the latest progress made by local and regional institutions; with an aim to understand the developments in interconnected grids and power trade locally within UAE as well as in the wider GCC region. In this respect, key stakeholders share their strategies for interconnected grids and power trade followed by a panel discussion.

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EU GCC Clean Energy Technology Network in collaboration with Hydrogen Europe, the Center for Hydrogen Safety, the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy and Dii.

EU GCC Clean Energy Technology Network in collaboration with Hydrogen Europe, the Center for Hydrogen Safety, the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy and Dii.

10 September 2019, 09:30 -14:00, Capital Suite 7 | Free for all

Hydrogen: Bridging Sectors and Regions

In the ongoing energy transition, renewable electricity takes center stage and electrification is one of the transition’s meta trends. However, 80% of the total final energy demand by end-users today is for carbon-containing fuels, not electricity.

“Hydrogen: Bridging Sectors and Regions”, addressed new perspectives on ongoing low-carbon hydrogen initiatives as well as system aspects including safety and will inform the debate on hydrogen’s future role in global energy markets, and provided insights on cutting-edge technology developments. High-level international experts presented their work and exchanged views in interactive moderated panels.

The event is organised by EU GCC Clean Energy Technology Network in collaboration with Hydrogen Europe, the Center for Hydrogen Safety, the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy, and Dii.

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EDF Fusion Logo
abu dhabi department of energy
WEC Netherlands


10 September 2019, 08:00 – 17:45, Capital Suite 21 I By invite-only to selected Emirati-French Supply Chain Partners

The E-FUSION initiative was launched in early 2019, endorsed by both the French and UAE nuclear leaders. Its aim is to bring together the French nuclear supply chain and the Emirati industries around projects for the UAE nuclear program at Barakah. This side-event aims at connecting an exclusive and pertinent selection of local industrial companies willing to develop their capabilities to support the Barakah project, with some French industrial partners among the nuclear supply chain around Engineering and O&M activities supporting ENEC and Nawah’s needs.

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10 September 2019, 14:00- 16:00, Mezzanine Majilis | By invitation only

Many oil & gas companies have recognized the urgent need to decarbonize the energy system – yet a comprehensive framework for the oil & gas industry to support a low-carbon future while simultaneously ensuring the world has enough energy to meet economic growth goals has yet to be fully developed. 

For companies based in areas of significant oil and natural gas wealth determining how to navigate the structural changes in the energy system are particularly acute, as their significant contributions to the economies in which they are based have made their success in this transition deeply important. Yet at the same time these companies are in a unique position compared to their peers elsewhere around the world, with the significant balance sheets and political support necessary to make transformative change. The only question remains: out of the numerous paths forward, which offers the best opportunities for success? 

This private, off the record workshop leverages the UAE as a center of global oil and gas production to explore what local players are doing to maximize the value of existing assets, what low-carbon innovations are shaping the next wave of investment, and what partnerships in key demand centers can help transform companies for a more sustainable future.

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GCC Electrical Testing Laboratory (GCC LAB) – Localization of Testing, Inspection and Certification in Gulf Region

11 September, 10:00 – 12:00, Capital Suite 21 | Open to all WEC participants

GCC countries initiative to localize testing, inspection and certification (TIC) in Gulf region as enabler for local standardization and manufacturing focusing on utilities and industrials sectors for power and renewable energy.

GCCLab was recently established by top tiers in energy sector such as Saudi Electricity Company, Aramco, PIF, KFUPM, GCCIA, Motabaqh, ACWA Power, Alfanar, SSEM and Electrical Industrials Company.

GCCLAB is ambitious to take the lead to participate by facilitating renewable & power energy products quality assurance, accreditation, testing, calibration, research and development. GCCLAB enjoys a great partnership with (UL) as an international advanced renewable energy organization in TIC as well as performance verification of solar, wind. In addition to GCCLAB’s partnership with (CESI). These partnerships provide vast areas of TIC, accreditation and engineering services (design review, feasibility and bankability studies, third party inspection and standards compliance).

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World Energy Council – Netherlands 

9 September, 17:00 – 18:30, Capital Suite 18 | By invitation only

Dutch delegation meeting of WEC representatives

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World Energy Council Events 


World Energy Leaders' Summit (WELS)

CEO Roundtable: Tuesday, 10 September
Trilemma Ministerial Roundtable: Wednesday, 11 September

The WELS are high-level exclusive events reserved for the global energy leaders’ community to facilitate dialogue on critical issues affecting the energy sector.

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Future Energy Leaders Programme (FELs)

The Future Energy Leaders’ Programme of the World Energy Council is designed to inspire, grow and develop the world’s energy leaders of tomorrow. This exclusive network of exceptional individuals from across the globe includes a diversity of participants from across the energy spectrum. The FEL community builds on creative ideas and the innovative potential of the next generation to challenge conventional thinking and explore new strategies for the future of our energy systems. It offers young professionals a unique opportunity for learning and development with exposure to critical issues in the energy debate.

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WEC Italy
Saudi Workshop


9 September 2019, 13:00 – 16:00, Capital Suite 21 I By invitation only

Given its geographic position, the Mediterranean region is a hub between Europe and Africa and therefore can play a key role in the energy transition process of the area. In addition, the rapid development of the South and East Mediterranean countries is leading to a significant increase in energy demand and is changing the economic and energy landscape of the region. Within the broader framework of the 24th World Energy Congress Abu Dhabi 2019, the Observatoire Méditerranéen de l'Energie and the Italian Committee of the World Energy Council, organized a seminar with the aim to deepen the energy transition process undergoing in the Mediterranean Area and highlighted the paths that needs to be embarked by countries in the region in order to launch a structured regional cooperation on a sustainable Mediterranean energy framework.

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