Congress Programme

09 - 12 September 2019   |   ADNEC
Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of The United Arab Emirates
Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of The United Arab Emirates

The programme is subject to change. Please check back regularly for updates on sessions and the speakers.

Theme: Inclusive prosperity: New policy imperatives
10:00 11:15

Opening plenary Driving innovation: The role of governments in the future of energy

ICC Fishbowl

The pressure to rethink energy continues, and with it the need for pioneering solutions. Innovation is one of the most powerful ways to drive agility and growth; it disrupts existing models and markets and opens up new opportunities for energy production, distribution and consumption. What is the role of government in creating an enabling environment for innovation? Are the right frameworks and policies in place to put governments at the forefront of the innovation challenge? Who is leading the way and what can we learn from their success stories?


H.E. Joao Galamba

Secretary of State for Energy, Portugal

H.E. Diego Mesa Puyo

Viceminister of Energy, WEC Colombia

Serge Colle

Partner, Global Power and Utilities Advisory Leader, EY

11:15 11:45


11:45 13:00

Parallel sessions

7 Sessions

The new energy security agenda

Hall 4, Block 1

In an increasingly interconnected and uncertain world, energy security has moved to the forefront of the energy and economic agenda. Growing resource scarcity, more frequent natural disasters linked to climate change, volatile markets, and political instability in and around energy exporting countries are just a few of the many pressing points of concern for energy suppliers and consumers alike.


Sean Cleary

Chairman, Strategic Concepts


Jonathan Elkind

Fellow and Senior Research Scholar, Center on Global Energy Policy, SIPA, University of Columbia

Dr. Sara Vakhshouri

President, SVB Energy International

Dr. Sun Xiansheng

Secretary General, International Energy Forum

Dr. Tatiana Mitrova

Director, Moscow School Of Management Skolkovo

Dr. Yongsung Cho

President, Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI)

Progressing the vision for regional integration

Hall 4, Block 2

The world’s vast wealth of energy resources and opportunities, from unconventional oil and gas reserves and renewable energy sources to naturally privileged energy transportation routes, storage or skills centres, are not evenly distributed. Regional collaboration and integration are the keys to unlocking enormous untapped potential. This session explores leading examples of global cooperation projects and how they are changing the realities of regional vs national collaboration.


H.E. Dr. Matar Al Neyadi

Undersecretary , Ministry of Energy and Industry United Arab Emirates

Chairman, World Energy Congress Organising Committee


Ahmed Al-Ebrahim

Chief Executive Officer, Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority (GCCIA)

Bernardo Vargas Gibsone

Chief Executive Officer , Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P

Douka Sediko

Commissioner Energy & Mines, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

Yana Popkostova

Founder and Managing Director, European Centre For Energy and Geopolitical Analysis

Dr. Younkyoo Kim

Director, Hanyang University

New regional perspectives: Forging new avenues for Europe's energy policy

Hall 4, Block 3

European energy policy has been strongly pursuing decarbonisation in the energy sector. Although the European Union has developed a number of policy and regulatory initiatives, national regulations remain very different and often contradictory. How can Europe approach common regional and coherent sub-regional energy policies?


Dr. Norbert Schwieters

Global Energy Utilities and Resources leader, PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers


H.E. Alenka Bratusek

Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Infrastructure, WEC Slovenia

Bjarni Bjarnason

Chief Executive Officer, Reykjavik Energy

Didier Houssin

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, IFP Energies Nouvelles

Hando Sutter

Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board, Eesti Energia AS

Dr. William D'haeseleer

Director, Professor, University of Levin Energy Institute

Chair, Belgium Member Committee, World Energy Council

Communities and the social license to operate

Conference Room A, Block 5

The traditional perception of the community paradox - democratised access but with the heavy industry in someone else's backyard - is being overcome by a new approach to achieving a social license to operate. From Britain to Beijing, Cameroon to Canada, case studies are emerging of successful energy projects with community buy-in. What are the ingredients of success, the consequences of failure, and the 360 benefits of smart community project planning?


Alessandro Costa

Head of Sustainability, Falck Renewables S.P.A.


Abdullah Al Qadi

Executive Director, Exploration and Production, Crescent Petroleum

Astrid Alvarez

Chief Executive Officer, Grupo Energía Bogotá

Giles Dickson

Chief Executive Officer, Wind Europe

Isabelle Rousseau

Director of the Energy Program, Center for International Studies, Mexico College

José Da Costa Carvalho Neto

Programme Committee, World Energy Council

Sergio Suchodolski

President , Development Bank of Mines Gerais

Energy, water, food: An ecosystem on the cusp

Conference Room A, Block 6

98% of electricity supply directly depends on access to water. Water stress and competition for water resources are increasing and expose energy systems to new vulnerability. Technology choice, coordinated regional water planning, internal water pricing, and innovative insurance models are among the solutions implemented to adapt to a more water-constrained future


Dr. Leena Srivastava

Incoming Director General for Science , International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)


H.E. Mariam Hareb Al Mehairi

Minister of State for Food Security, United Arab Emirates

H.E. Barsaman Pun

Minister of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, Nepal

Ahmed Aboutaleb

Mayor, City of Rotterdam

Philippe Joubert

Senior Adviser International Development, World Energy Council

RaeKwon Chung

Chairman, Global Energy Prize International Award Committee

UN Secretary-General’s High-level Expert and Leaders Panel (HELP) on water and disasters,

Accelerating action on the SDGs and the carbon+agenda

ICC Fishbowl

From ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy to taking urgent climate action to keep the world below 2°C, the global community has set itself ambitious energy targets that will require unprecedented collaboration. Innovative approaches requiring public-private partnerships, investments and new business models will be needed to the complete fulfillment of the SDG7 objectives and successfully transform the world’s energy systems.

Firestarter keynote

Hanife Ymer



H.E. Sok Khavan

Secretary of State, Cambodia

H.E. Abdullah Nasser Lootah

Director General , Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority

Anaïs Amazit

Head of Africa Operations, Barefoot College

Elana Laichena

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Acacia Innovations Ltd.

Paul Smith Lomas

Chief Executive Officer, Practical Action

Market design: Enabling the energy transition

Conference Room A, Block 4

The abundance of cost-competitive renewable energy technologies is accelerating transition towards decarbonised, decentralised and digitalised energy systems. Market design regulation, from electricity trading to grid operation, will need to be updated to integrate a growing share of intermittent renewable energy supply. Maintaining investment in electrical supply security, grid reliability and resiliency is a strategic priority.


Tim Nelson

Executive General Manager, Strategy and Economic Analysis, Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC)


H.E. Mohammed Bin Jarsh

Undersecretary, Abu Dhabi Department of Energy

Daniel Schmerler Vainstein

Chair of the Board, Perù Regulatory Agency for Investment in Energy and Mining (OSINERGMIN)

Eli Jidere Bala

Chief Executive Officer, Energy Commission of Nigeria

Ewald Hesse

Chief Executive Officer, Energy Web Foundation & Grid Singularity

Fedor Opadchiy

Vice Chairman of the Management Board, "SO UPS" JSC

Dr. Massimo Ricci

Head of Energy Division, Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment

13:00 14:15

Lunch Break

Halls 2 & 3
14:15 15:30

Parallel sessions

5 Sessions

Enhancing energy security and electricity integration in the MENA region

Hall 4, Block 1

Soaring demand for electricity in the growing economies of the Middle East and North Africa is set to drive the process of regional integration in the MENA region. APICORP forecasts that the MENA region needs to invest $260 billion over the period 2018-2023 to meet this demand. What does it take to enhance utilization of the GCC’s existing interconnection and what is the potential for expanding the grid beyond the GCC region?


Adam Edward Sieminski

Chair , King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)


H.E. Luay Al-Khateeb

Minister of Electricity, Iraq

H.E. Hala Zawati

Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources, Jordan

H.E. Mohammad Boushehri

Undersecretary, Ministry of Electricity and Water

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Muhanna

Vice Chair for the Gulf States and Middle East, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Advisor, Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources

Jamila Matar

Director, Energy Department, League of Arab States

Stephen Gitonga

Regional Sustainable Energy Advisor, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Rethinking the energy trilemma: Synergies and co-benefits

Hall 4, Block 2

Managing a robust energy transition is not straightforward. Success requires integrated policy approaches and frameworks, such as those encouraged by the Council's World Energy Trilemma to address the emerging synergies and co-benefits in a shifting ‘glocal’ energy landscape. How are policy makers navigating new threats and opportunities, whilst balancing with pressures to keep security high and costs


Francois Austin

Partner, Oliver Wyman Group


H.E. Jose Dominguez Abascal

Secretary of State for Energy, WEC Spain

H.E. Tomasz Dąbrowski

Undersecretary of State, Poland

John Pierce AO

Chairman, Australian Energy Market Commission

Philip Lowe

Executive Chair, World Energy Trilemma, World Energy Council

Partner, Oxera Consulting

Vivien Foster

Chief Economist, Infrastructure Vice-Presidency, World Bank

Navigating the future: What’s on top of mind for energy professionals?

ICC Fishbowl

By 2040, energy demand and consumption will have radically transformed. Citizens of the world could be using drone capsules for transporting to work, water desalination may become the main water source and hydrogen may be the new oil. What does this mean for energy systems? This session will discuss the results of a topic-based survey by Congress participants. Our forward thinking panelists will analyse and challenge the results, painting a picture of the future using today’s reality.


Jon Dee

Founder and Managing Director, DoSomething Foundation - RE100

Coordinator of RE100 Australia,


Dr. Adnan Shihab-Eldin

Director General, Kuwait Foundation For The Advancement Of Scienes

Anya Nova

Crypto Economist, Power Ledger

Filippo Gaddo

Director, ARUP

Dr. Michael Webber

Chief Science and Technology Officer, ENGIE

Dr. Tatiana Mitrova

Director, Moscow School Of Management Skolkovo

Stepping up on climate action

Hall 4, Block 3

The unprecedented global will for action on climate change is rightly recognised as a paragon of international cooperation. As students across the globe continue to take to the streets to call for climate action, the demand for stepping up change is clear. Collective action can make a difference, and a profound one, but are the international pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 bold enough to stop global warming?


David Victor

Professor and Director, University of California San Diego


H.E. Abbas A. Al-Naqi

Secretary General, OAPEC - Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries

Dr. Leena Srivastava

Incoming Director General for Science , International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Malin Strand

Future Energy Leader and Policy Strategist, Fossil Free Sweden

Martin Frick

Senior Director, Policy and Programme Coordination, UNFCCC

Dr. Ove Hoegh Guldberg

Professor and Director, University of Queensland

New regional perspectives: What will fuel North America’s future energy system?

Conference Room A, Block 5

The energy world is undergoing a grand transition, driven by a combination of factors including the fast-paced development of new technologies, an unstoppable digital revolution and global environmental challenges, combined with changing demographic patterns. As part of this new reality, greater electrification of the overall energy system is expected and the big question is the importance of gasoline versus electrons versus hydrogen in the future energy system.


Merribel Ayres

Principal, Lighthouse Consulting Group


Dr. Aldo Flores-Quiroga

Visitng Professor, LBJ School, University of Texas

Dave Hardie

Director Liability Strategy, Alberta Energy Regulator

Dr. Mike Howard

President and Chief Executive Officer, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

15:30 16:00


16:00 17:15

Closing plenary Power, policies and purpose: a new era of energy geopolitics

ICC Fishbowl

A successful energy transition requires a level of unprecedented international cooperation. As global alliances evolve and national policies shift, international organisations have a central role to play in promoting unity, collaboration and common energy interests. Hear from leading international organisations on how changing energy geopolitics are impacting global cooperation and their vision for the future energy landscape.


Carlos Pascual

Senior Vice President, Global Energy & International Affairs, IHS Markit


Christian Zinglersen

Head of Secretariat, Clean Energy Ministerial Secretariat

Francesco La Camera

Director General, IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency

Frederick Kempe

President and Chief Executive Officer, Atlantic Council

Jean-Marie Dauger

Co-Chair, World Energy Council

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